Palin hired a lawyer three weeks ago to act on her behalf as state legislators investigate whether she may have abused her power in firing the state public safety commissioner for refusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper, CNN confirmed.
McCain’s first test was to pick his running mate, and he chose someone with an ethical cloud over her head?
My friends, we must suspend disbelief if we are to buy the McCain campaign line that they knew Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is pregnant:
"Sen. McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president," said an aide who asked not to be named. "Families have difficulties sometimes and lucky for her she has a supportive family."
How “supportive” is it to put one’s teenage daughter through this kind of spectacle? Being 17 is hard enough; being pregnant and 17 is even worse (rent “Juno” if you need a primer). Doing it all in the national spotlight: horrendous. And they dared to call Hillary Clinton irrationally ambitious ? What do you call Sarah Palin? You’re right, Jonah: “there's nothing below-the-belt about pointing it out.”
We must suspend disbelief if we are to buy the conservative line that her daughter’s pregnancy does not discredit Sarah Palin’s staunch support of abstinence-only education. It didn’t work for the Palin family; it won’t work for yours. If you want teen pregnancy rates to explode even further nationwide, vote for these two clowns.
We must suspend disbelief if we are to buy the conservative line that Sarah Palin’s “executive experience” qualifies her to be Vice President of the United States. She’s been governor for less than two years; of Alaska, the least densely populated state in the union. She was mayor of a 6,700-population town for six years before that. The house on the left does not qualify one for the house on the right:
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