Fox News’ resident bomb-thrower will be in town for the Rally for Rocketown, a fundraiser for Michael W. Smith’s teen outreach center. Loved by conservatives, loathed by liberals, Hannity is sure to be at his incendiary best, especially since the event coincides with the Obama-McCain debate at Belmont.
The talk-show host will speak and take questions from the audience. Bonus round for the financially blessed: “Table hosts and sponsors will be invited to meet Hannity and have a photo during a private VIP reception prior to the luncheon,” according to the announcement. Smith and “special guests” will also perform.
Ick. I don’t see the point of holding a fundraiser for a non-profit by featuring a divisive, controversial, partisan character like Sean Hannity. Way to bring the community together for your cause .... or not.
Hannity lies about liberals regularly , has used his show to spread character smears against Barack Obama, John Kerry and other prominent Democrats (whatever happened to that 9th commandment?), and his book was on the reading list of Knoxville church shooter Jim Adkisson. By its fruits, indeed.
This is the guy you’re trotting out to raise money for a Christian teen outreach center? No thanks. Count me out.
Sorry Smitty, you've just gone down a notch in my estimation.