Don’t know how I started getting these “Conservative Action Alerts” from
ObamaCare Imposes $2.5 Trillion In New Taxes
The e-mail quotes an analysis by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, John McCain’s economics advisor. He is also president of the American Action Forum, a “think tank” set up by Republicans to counter the left-leaning Center For American Progress. So excuse me if I don’t take his word for it.
Anyway, the thing is filled with lots of EXCLAMATION POINTS! and SHOUTY ALL CAPS and UNDERLINING like those Publisher’s Clearinghouse solicitations I get. It felt “scammy” so I clicked through the “Select Here SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! ” link and saw this:
For less than what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to:
ALL 59 Democrat/Independent Senators AND President Obama for just $19
ALL 41 GOP Senators AND President Obama for just $19
ALL 100 Senators AND President Obama for just $29
ALL 261 Democrat/Independent Representatives AND President Obama for just $59
ALL 174 GOP Representatives AND President Obama for just $55
ALL 435 Representatives AND President Obama for just $99
ALL 535 Senators & Representatives AND President Obama for just $119
Really, AmeriPac? $119? Talk about a scam.
I dimly remember receiving one of these things last year, in fact I may even have thrown up a blog post about it (can't find it now). I just wonder how many people receiving this blast e-mail will shell out big bucks for something that actually costs just pennies. And they accuse us of lies and misrepresentation? Oh, the irony!
The fax itself is full of lies about government rationing and other nonsense. The funniest part? This:
When All Else Fails Lie, Cheat & Deal
Uh, yeah. Well, y'all would know.