Are You Now Or Were You Ever A Muslim? |
Wow. They’re not even trying anymore,
are they?
The Washington Times printed a doctored photo of Elena Kagan wearing a turban to accompany a column by Frank Gaffney making the absurd charge that Elena Kagan is "enabling efforts to insinuate" Shariah law in the United States. The Washington Times' print edition gave no indication that the photo had been doctored (while online, the photo bore a caption stating "Illustration: Kagan and Shariah.")
Well that’s a neat trick: characterize an accomplished Jewish woman as somehow wanting to instill Shariah law in America? Why do they think they can get away with that? It's absurd. (Note also that they added some massive man-hands to the picture. What’s that supposed to imply, do you think?)
Remember all of those pictures of George W. Bush with Prince Bandar? No one raised the fear flag about Shariah law and whatnot then. Of course they didn’t. Because it wasn’t true then and it’s not true now. The smearmongering from the right just knows no limits.
Funny I don't remember the Washington Times having a problem with this... |
... or this. |